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Public Docs

Includes FAQs. server specs and in general everything that you want to ask us and the answer is not at our website.

General info (FAQs)

Our answers to frequently asked questions

Tech support (FAQs)

All your questions about the way we offer tech and user support answered.

Billing practices

VAT calculation, payment details and more. Guide on how to better us our billing system. This guide will be mostly used by our ...

Server Specs

Public documentation with a description of the specs for all the instances we provide. Important note: this is not updated! C...

On-demand services

Documentation on our approach on on demand requests

Domain names

Due to the complexities related to the domain ownership, we have stopped offering domain names. We plan to find a workaround, b...

Reseller program?

Information about a potential availability of our reseller program.

Instances (FAQs)

Frequently asked questions about how the instances work IRL.

Importing and exporting data

We answer your questions on migrating data to or migrating data to another provider. Image credits: https://flickr...

Domain Name System (DNS)

Guides about the changes required to DNS needed for the deployment of an instance.

Single Sign On (SSO)

Information on our SSO system.

Monitoring system

Information on how we make sure that your instances are monitored.

SSL certificates

Info on how we handle your SSL certifications. Work in progress. More info soon

Onboarding and Offboarding

Procedures we follow when you are on-boarded or off-boarded from a specific instance.

Supporting FLOSS devs w/ Noire

Noire is the project we have developed to supports free libre open source devs. Project will be launched soon.