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3. Training services

SmallTraining refers to our services designed to help you understand and mediumeffectively organizationsuse arethe alwaysplatforms inhosted on our Managed Hosting service. For instance, if you need of training services,on especially when it comeshow to manage and optimize your Peertube instance or how to navigate the migrationfeatures of theirMastodon, infrastructure. Thatthis is why we have decided to offerwhat our know-howTraining service covers. It ensures that you and facilitationyour skillsteam incan open source digital infrastructure through on demand custom training services.

How to apply

Please fill inmake the followingmost formout inof theyour linkhosted belowplatforms. andThis is another 'Add-On Service' our team membersoffers willon reachtop out to you: . Once you fill inof the formManaged oneHosting ofservices ourwe teamalready members will follow up usually in 3-4 business days.offer.

Can I getGet trainingTraining aboutAbout anyAny platform?


We only provide training services for one or more platforms presented here If you’re interested in training for a platform outside this list, please reach out to us for guidance.

Training location


We offer training sessionsessions onlyexclusively by video call(s), not in-person. 


How to Get Our 'Add-On Training Service'?

To request our Add-On Training Service, follow these simple steps:

  1. Fill Out the Online Form:

    • Go to our online request form here.
    • Provide detailed information, including:
      • The platform(s) you need training for.
      • Your current level of familiarity with the platform(s).
      • Any specific topics or features you want to focus on during the training.
  2. Our Follow-Up:

    • After you submit the form, one of our team members will review your details and availability.

      Our working hour fees start from 75Eur/hour for office hours and days, from Mondayback to Friday,you 9.00within -4 17.00business CET/CEST.days.

    • The
    • We date(s)will andprovide time(s)an estimate of the time required for your training.
  3. Payment:

    • You will receive an invoice for the training service.
    • (if you agree) Proceed with the payment using one of the methods listed here.
  4. Scheduling:

    • Once payment is verified, our team will contact you to schedule your training sessions.
    • All sessions will be plannedconducted via video call at leasta 15mutually businessconvenient daystime.
    • ahead.


The cost for our Add-On Training Service is $145 per hour.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.