Recently Updated Pages
Funkwhale is a community-driven project that lets you listen and share music and audio within a d...
WriteFreely is an open source platform designed to simplify your writing experience. This softwar...
Matomo, formerly Piwik, is the free and open source Google Analytics alternative that protects yo...
Discourse is a free and open-source Internet forum software. Features include support for threadi...
Mastodon is free and open-source software for running self-hosted social networking services. It ...
Vaultwarden is an open source password manager and an alternative implementation of the Bitwarden...
PeerTube is a free and open-source, decentralized, ActivityPub federated video platform powered b...
InvoiceNinja is an alternative to Zoho, Wave, FreshBooks and other invoicing software with a perm...
Exporting data from infrastructure
On this page, you can have an overview of how we handle migrations of the instance you have hoste...
How to add a new DNS record to your DreamHost account
One of the steps needed in order to set up one instance is for you (our Subscriber) to add a new ...
How to add a new DNS record to your Google Domains account
One of the steps needed in order to set up one instance is for you (our Subscriber) to add a new ...
How to add a new DNS record to your Hostinger account
One of the steps needed in order to set up one instance is for you (our Subscriber) to add a new ...
How to add a new DNS record to your Namecheap account
One of the steps needed in order to set up one instance is for you (our Subscriber) to add a new ...
What is DNS?
One of the steps needed in order to set up one instance is for the subscriber to add a new DNS re...
Importing data to infrastructure
Below you will find the details about our approach to migrating your data to Migra...
Questions about Instances
What is the list of instances you offer? The number and the variety of instances we offer are gr...
Approving an offer
Before the trial period ends, you will receive a quote (offer) asking if you would like to upgrad...
Reseller program availability
At the moment we don't have a reseller program due to the complexities that this approach generat...
We offer technical support to our Subscribers based on the packages they have. Starter packages:...
Terms of Service are important to me, where can I find them? We take transparency for the way we...